Check your listing pictures

Have you noticed your listing pictures are now shown bigger?

The increase in size makes your house listing look nicer, but you have to have photos to match!

Quality photos

Because of this change in the size your pictures are presented, we would like you to check your pictures and see if their quality is good enough. What do we mean by quality? Well, photos are made up tiny pixels per inch, and the more pixels your source image has, the better quality it has and the better it will look on the website for your potential exchange partners.

Use photos that are 1024 pixels wide or more but not bigger than 10MB each. Have a look at our other article on photos if you want more info on how to get your image belçow 10 MB.

If necessary, upload another version your pictures or even take new pictures.


Taking new photos

In case you decide to take new pictures, we have some tips from the Intervac Home Exchange team.

Here is how to make new good quality house photos:

Take photos which are sharp and in focus
Use a tripod and set the self-timer for sharper photos with more detail.

Fill the room with light before taking a photo
Open all the blinds and turn on all the lights. Take a few different photos in each room to make sure that you have captured it in the best light.

Make sure the rooms are clean
Tidy and uncluttered spaces are so much more appealing!

Highlight the home’s best features – and number of beds
Try to shoot a realistic overview of the whole property, inside and outside. Make sure you include all beds, even pull-out beds your exchange partners might use.

Try to capture the entire room
If you are able to capture more of the room, there will be a greater sense of space.

Take photos from a lower perspective
This way you will get the best angle to display the size and layout of your home.

Don’t forget to shoot photos in all seasons
This is especially true if your house has any kind of outside space or view, but it can also be relevant if you have a specific feature, such as a fireplace.

Copyright issues

Don’t forget to publish only pictures for which there are no copyright issues. If you found that image on Google, have a look at this article before publishing it on your Intervac listing.



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