From Provence to Mojacar

Miguel, Margaret his wife, and we are all experienced exchangers. I know Intervac since 1988 and made nearly 40 swaps since…As we are retired now, we make more exchanges than when we worked: we can travel all year round. We…
Miguel, Margaret his wife, and we are all experienced exchangers. I know Intervac since 1988 and made nearly 40 swaps since…As we are retired now, we make more exchanges than when we worked: we can travel all year round. We…
Le moment le plus attendu de l’année arrive bientôt ! Que ce soit pour réunir la famille, savourer les délices de la saison ou vivre sa magie, Noël est la période la plus spéciale de l’année ! Rassemblez vos proches…
Le moment le plus attendu de l’année arrive bientôt ! Que ce soit pour réunir la famille, savourer les délices de la saison ou vivre sa magie, Noël est la période la plus spéciale de l’année ! Rassemblez vos proches…
Each country has its own way of living Christmas! See how Germany celebrates this season! And how about a home exchange to Germany?
From great beaches, world class diving and an incomparable food and cultural experience, Mexico will guarantee you an unforgettable vacation!
Have you noticed your listing pictures are now shown bigger? The increase in size makes your house listing look nicer, but you have to have photos to match! Quality photos Because of this change in the size your pictures are…
Oktober 2018 Fühlen wie zu Hause Pegasus, New Zealand (#NZ0017) Interessiert an einem Haustausch in Neuseeland? Schauen Sie unter map search! Der Sommer hat sich inzwischen verabschiedet und der Herbst mit seinen goldenen Tagen bereits eingestellt! Schätzen sie sich…
Octubre 2018 SINTIENDOSE EN CASA Pegasus, New Zealand (#NZ0017) Interesado en un Intercambio en New Zealand? Eche un vistazo a nuestro: map search! A pesar de que el verano está terminado para la mayoría de habitantes del hemisferio norte,…
Mandy Cavanagh is the newest Ambassador for Intervac. Here is a wonderful exchange story from her. If you have a great story too… tell us yours! My husband is fortunate enough to have a birthday during the summer months,…