Intervac Ambassadors

We are always looking for experienced members interested in helping us spread the word about Intervac and home-exchange. If you are an experienced Intervac member and would like to help us spread the word about Intervac and home exchange, we invite you to become an ambassador. You can read all about it and apply here.

Currently, our ambassadors are:


Belgium Belgium – BE01020

Phil Marcisz

In 2013 our family decided to go for a richer and more adventurous holiday experience. We had heard about exchanging houses but had the impression that it was something ‘to good to be true’. But … we took the step and joined Intervac. A couple of months later we made our first exchange in Gent. Short but very sweet … and during that exchange we got in touch with a Swedish family for a second exchange. We were amazed that things went so smooth and enjoyed the talks with the other families. We ended up doing 3 exchanges in our first year. Now (after more than 10 successful exchanges) we can say that we are really ‘hooked’. When we think about ‘vacation’ we think about exchanging houses through Intervac.

But it’s more than planning a vacation. It’s about meeting (new) people, experiencing their local life and enjoying a warm feeling of trust. After more than 10 exchanges we still are amazed about the generosity of most exchangers. Sharing is fun and makes a holiday much richer. Every exchange (far or close) is a new adventure for our family. Over the past year we encouraged several people to give it a try. Some did … and really liked it for the right reasons. For us, exchanging houses is more than a cheap(er) holiday and that’s the positive message we try to give to people.

Italy Italia – IT1005642

Laura Dossena

Laura Dossena

I am a 40 something freelance translator who absolutely loves traveling, see places, try new things. A few years ago, in 2008, I read about this “strange” thing called home exchange and I thought “It’s too good to be true!”. I spoke about it with my husband and let’s just say he was easily convinced. I know that’s not always the case in a couple, so… I am very lucky!

Home exchange turned out to be true indeed, and even better than I imagined. I have been trying to convey a small part of the awesomeness that is home exchange writing about it in my blog, but I have to admit it’s really difficult.

So when I read on Intervac newsletter about the ambassador initiative, I jumped at the opportunity. I will be honored and proud to share and spread the home exchange word as an Intervac ambassador, because I think there’s really no better way to travel, to know people and culture, to be citizens of the world, and ultimately to understand that we are really the same, from Sweden to Italy, from Paris to Vancouver to Modesto (CA). In this moment in history, I think no lesson is more important than that.

Portugal Portugal – PT021

Alfredo Magalhães

Alfredo Magalhães Family

We are a couple who likes to travel, to know new places, new people and new ways of living. That’s why we enjoy staying in a city or region for several days. We think that the Intervac is the ideal organization for this purpose. Sometimes my children join us. But they are working now and they don’t have much time to travel, while we’re retired and can do what we like and whenever we like.When we have the opportunity we always talk about this way of travelling, exchanging homes, and we show its advantages. But there are still many people who don’t feel confident with this kind of exchange. We intend to go on spreading and promoting this way of travelling and demystifying the false dangers which people are afraid of.

India India – INOC0501

Hiren Goradia

Hiren Goradia Family

Hello! We are a family from India who love travelling and have been doing so since 25 years. My parents also accompany us on most of our trips. I am a Civil Engineer whereas my wife is a travel consultant. We live in Mumbai and the home in Pune is our beloved second home which we have since 30 years. We just love home exchanges as we meet wonderful people (on most occasions), explore the area at leisure and being vegetarian, get to prepare and eat our own food! Most of our exchange partners become our friends and we continue keeping in touch even after the exchange. Try out the Intervac way of seeing the world – mail me or call me anytime and I would be delighted to assist with any queries you may have!!

France France – FR110198

Michèle Grangé-Martins

Michèle Grangé-Martins

Je suis adhérente depuis 1990, lorsque l’on faisait les échanges avec le catalogue et les courriers, à cette époque j’ai échangé ma maison à Villandry en Touraine (37) une dizaine de fois. Ensuite, j’ai adopté un garçon Brésilien et je me suis consacrée à une autre aventure. Nous avons repris les échanges depuis l’année dernière et j’aimerai en faire davantage mais mon compagnon travaille encore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cette année, nous avons fait un échange avec des bretons que nous avons accueillis autour d un déjeuner très agréable pour pouvoir échanger et ensuite nous sommes partis chez eux en Bretagne. Récemment, nous avons accueilli des espagnols en échange non simultané dans notre logement disponible pendant 2 semaines et nous partirons en juillet en Galice. Enfin, nous terminerons l’été avec un échange pour Amsterdam. J’aime cette formule où nous rencontrons des personnes variées, respectueuses de nos lieux et où nous pouvons multiplier à l’infini les possibilités de visites et de nouvelles opportunités; je parle anglais et comprend l’espagnol, j’aime partager mes expériences dans de nombreux domaines afin d’offrir à chacun des rencontres inoubliables en les agrémentant avec nos excellences personnelles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ainsi, les échanges deviennent incroyablement vivants, intéressants et passionnants.

I am a member since 1990, when Intervac was with the paper catalog and postal mail, at that time I exchanged my house of Villandry, in Touraine (37) ten times. Then I adopted a Brazilian boy and I spent another adventure. We are now exchanging our home again since last year and I’d like to make more exchanges but my partner is still working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This year, we made an exchange with a Breton family that we have received in our home and we shared together a very pleasant lunch in order to exchange and then we left home in Brittany. Recently, we hosted Spanish members for a non-simultaneous exchange in our accommodation available for 2 weeks and we will go next July in Galicia. Finally, we will finish the summer with an exchange in Amsterdam. I like this formula where we meet friendly people and various places and for which we can multiply indefinitely sightseeing and get new opportunities; I speak English and understand Spanish, I like to share my experiences in many areas in order to offer everyone an unforgettable encounters adorning them with our personal excellence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Thus, the exchanges become incredibly alive, interesting and exciting.

France France – FR010240

Luc & Claudie JEANMASSON

Luc & Claudie Jeanmasson

Nous sommes deux enseignants, bientôt en retraite, et nous sommes inscrits à Intervac depuis 1989 et avons réalisé plus de quarante échanges en France, Europe (une dizaine de pays différents), aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Actuellement nous habitons en Auvergne, mais dès l’an prochain nous serons en Bretagne, non loin de Paimpol. Cette expérience d’ambassadeurs nous tente parce que nous sommes ravis de partager notre enthousiasme pour les échanges et d’aider de nouveaux adhérents.

Notre premier échange était au pays basque en 1989 et depuis nous avons vu évoluer Intervac, matériellement (du papier à l’informatique) et aussi dans l’esprit, du fait de  l’augmentation du nombre d’inscrits. Aussi, ce qui nous intéresse dans le rôle d’ambassadeur, c’est de perpétuer le caractère associatif d’Intervac, et d’affirmer sa spécificité par rapport à d’autres sites d’échange. Nous avons souvent été sollicités par ces organismes sans jamais céder à la tentation du changement, caprice généré par la société marchande : adhérent, oui, client, non. Enfin, passionnés par la découverte d’autres cultures, notre première motivation est d’abord faire découvrir, comprendre et partager celle de notre pays, de notre région (sans chauvinisme aucun : il y a toujours là où l’on vit des trésors humains ou naturels surprenants). Echanger, voyager : humanisme et ouverture d’esprit.

We are both teachers, retired soon, and we are Intervac members since 1989: more than forty exchanges in France, Europe (ten countries), the United States and Canada. Currently we live in Auvergne, but next year we will be in Brittany, close to Paimpol. This experience of ambassadors tempts us because we love to share our enthusiasm for home exchange and help new members.

Our first exchange was in the French Basque country in 1989 and since we have seen evolve Intervac materially (from paper catalogue to Internet website) and also in the spirit, because of the increased number of its members. Also, our motivation in the role of ambassador is to perpetuate the associative nature of Intervac, and to affirm its specificity compared to other homeexchange websites. We have often been solicited by these websites without ever yielding to the temptation of change, whim generated by the market society: member, yes, customer, no. Finally, passionate about discovering other cultures, our primary motivation is first to make discover, understand and share our, our country and our region (without any chauvinism: there is always where you live human or natural surprising treasures). Switching, travel: humanism and openness.

Canada Canada – CA1259

Gilles & Monique Pelletier

Je suis membre actif depuis l’an 2000. Nous avons toujours été ravis de nos expériences : du côté culturel et humain. Nous sommes restés en contact avec plusieurs des amis que nous nous sommes faits lors de ces échanges. Nous sommes devenus Ambassadeurs d’abord pour pouvoir partager les expériences que nous avons vécues, ma femme et moi ; ensuite pour aider les futurs membres qui auraient besoin de conseils pour manœuvrer dans ce beau concept qu’est Intervac. Je suis enseignant retraité qui a bien apprécié effectuer des échanges de maisons. Je crois maintenant pouvoir aider et répondre aux questions des Canadiens qui aimeraient se joindre à notre concept. Peut-être aussi effacer les peurs qu’ont certains à « prêter » leurs biens.

We have been active members since 2000 and have always been delighted with our experiences, both on the cultural, and human side. We remain in contact with many of the friends we have made during these exchanges. We became Ambassadors, my wife and I, to share our experiences and to help future members with advice for getting around in this beautiful concept that is Intervac. I am a retired teacher and I especially wish to help and answer questions from Canadians who would like to learn more about the concept of home exchange. Perhaps I can also to erase the fears that some have of “lending” their property.


Our ambassadors’ stories are part of the Intervac Home Exchange series. Do you have a story yourself? We would love to hear about it! Tell us your story.

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  1. We have been members from 2005. We experienced home exchange as a couple until 2009 and as a family with 2 children from 2013 to now. Trust is The key. Having our vacation with Intervac we can hope in a better wordl. And also a vacation with home exchange is a special vacation because you Live as local people not just as a tourist .