Marisa is sharing her last exchange with us

Hi Intervac friends from all over the world,

My husband and I have already completed more than 35 exchanges, some of then privately, and already 25 in Intervac. We’re absolutely delighted with this way of travelling and getting to know different countries, peoples and cultures.

Last Easter, we had a terrific experience in Italy. We made the exchange with an Italian family from Terni in Umbria, which lent us their second house, a small apartment, totally renewed.








Our experience had always been simultaneous but this time it wasn’t since Barbara and Marco couldn’t travel on those dates. Due to this circomstance, we were able to meet them, who received us at our arrival, and furthermore, they invited us to celebrate Easter with them and their friends at their beautiful countryside house in Terni. This was a really nice and interesting opportunity to share meal and conversation with more than twenty guests.



Apart from the Italians there were also Norwegians, Germans and us, the Spanish. Among them, three couples from Intervac. Obviously the spirit of openness, multiculturalism and language exchange was present and we all enjoyed the party very much. Barbara and Marco turned out to be excellent and generous hosts.

I think that exchanging houses is not only a way of travelling but also of opening minds, hearts and “homes” to the “other”. That is to say, we share what is our most precious treasure, our refuge in life. This fact helps us without any doubt to reject prejudices and to become more tolerant and universal. When we get back home we always experience a great sense of gratitude.

Member ES1015881

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